Thursday, December 5, 2013

Star Wars Holiday Special 35th Anniversary Celebration

Wookiee Life Day presents
The Star Wars Holiday Special
35th Anniversary Celebration
Tuesday, December 17th
Bigfoot Lodge
3172 Los Feliz Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90039
9:00pm - FREE - Ages 21+ Only

Remember you can celebrate Wookiee Life Day all season long! To celebrate the holiday spirit and the 35th Anniversary of the Star Wars Holiday Special we will be having a party at the Bigfoot Lodge in Los Angeles on December 17th! You are encouraged to to cosplay, wear your ceremonial Wookiee Snuggie, and bring an appropriate donation for Toys for Tots. We'd especially love to see 501st members, so please help spread the word and help make this the best holiday party of the year!
 And if you want to help promote the event here's an instagram sized flyer:

Friday, November 15, 2013

Wookiee Life Day 2013

It's hard to believe it's already that magical time of year again! A huge thanks goes out to Eric who sent in yet another awesome image with the following message:
Next weekend we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Star Wars Holiday Special. To celebrate the wookiee holiday, I've attached my 5th annual Life Day mash-up. This year I've combined characters from Star Wars and the Holiday Special with the Peanuts gang. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. Happy Life Day!
Check out Eric's artwork here